Matrix Token
BEP-20 Token
Token specifications
Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Token Type: BEP-20
Token Name: Matrix
Token Symbol: MTRX
Token Decimals: 9
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 MTRX
Locked Balance: 2,500,000,000 - will be distributed to all NFT holders.
WHALE Protection: Users cannot buy/sell more than 1% of the total supply in a single transaction (100,000,000 MTRX).
Fees and taxes
10% fee will be applied on every buy or sell transaction and it will be distributed as it follows:
-3% - Liquidity Fee
-7% - Txn Fee (distributed to all holders in the form of MTRX)
Matrix applies high fees in order to maintain the liquidity and constantly building price floor.
Last updated